Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Land of the free!

Lizzie and I are enjoying a wonderful time with Doug, Kate and Tabby here in the US of A. The weather is wonderful and we are very settled on the Sea Shadow, our accommodation afloat the ocean waves.

Last weekend we sailed to Oxford, no, not that one, the one here on Chesapeake Bay. It is a really peaceful and lovely place although the trip back was a little lumpy.

But what about the swimming I hear you say! Well fear not dear reader I have trained very hard in the pool here as the Bay is totally infected with really horrible jelly fish. Yesterday I did a 5 hour swim in the pool at Annapolis. What a place.

Why doesn't the UK follow suit. This pool is 100 yards (yes yards, they don't do meters here) and 25 yards across. All the way across there are swimming lanes, over 40 in total. I swam for 5 hours in my own lane. Fantastic, a real swimming pool for real swimmers, not a 30 million pound play pool like Corby. No wonder the USA won 67% of the 2012 swimming medals!

Speaking of the Olympics, we are fortunate enough to have a TV on our boat. Are there any other countries in the Olympics as all you see here is USA. No one else and most of it is recorded, not live. And the ads, OMG, 1 race 3 minutes ads, 1 race 3 minutes ads, on and on and on. Then just as the track events get exciting they cross to pancake tossing as the Americans may win a medal. I am not complaining, it's just the way it is here.

Don't forget the CLDF.

                                                           story time on the boat

                                                         Granny and Tabby

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Setting off. 7am. Only 13 and a half hours to go!