Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Friday 25 March 2016


My time in Aotearoa is rapidly coming to an end.

I have had some wonderful swims with some fabulous groups of people. There is no doubt in my mind that the Swimming community around the world is the most welcoming that there is.

My goal was to cover 100k in the month away but the tropical storm that hit Auckland on Thursday night whipped up the sea for 7 days so although I swam every day it was harder to put in longer swims in the surf and rolling seas.

I will finish the month over 80,000m so I am pretty pleased with that as I came from a 5C river only a few weeks ago.

Next week I will be back in the Nene with my mad mates. People here cannot believe we survive swimming in the river throughout the year. They swim all year here but most go into wetsuits as the water can drop to 13C. Ha.

I have an 18 non stop flight from Auckland to Dubai and then onto Birmingham. My arise will be even more square.

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