Lake Windermere

Lake Windermere

Wednesday 3 April 2013

USA again!

Well, here I am once again in the home of the brave and land of the free.

Lizzie and I are having are great time with Doug, Kate and Tabitha.  The Easter egg hunt was a hoot although I was devastated to find out that I couldn't take part. Fun is wasted on children.

I have had some great swims. I won't harp on how good the pools are over here, but they are! It is such a pleasure to swim for 2 hours in a public pool and never have to share a lane.

The BEACH BBQ on the 5th of MAY is shaping up well as there will be not 1, but 2 bands on the day.    Tickets from the HARE or contact me.

Well, dear readers, must fly as we are all off to the petting zoo this afternoon. It is a beautiful sunny day although the wind is a little cool but nothing like the UK at the moment. 21C in a few days. Ha Ha.

There is a lady who is sure all that glitters is gold.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David

    It's been great reading your blogs. I'm glad that you're having a good work/life/family/swim balance.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you at St Andrew's Healthcare on your return alongside members of the Men's Health Forum and Nick Johns - Co-ordinator for Northamptonshire Fire and Emergency Support Service (FESS) and their current vehicle.

    I'll e-mail you with more detail.


    Phil Broxton


Setting off. 7am. Only 13 and a half hours to go!